PSA: There’s A Game-Breaking Watch Dogs: Legion Bug For Xbox One X

Buyer beware.

Watch Dogs Legion
Watch Dogs Legion

The review embargo has dropped for Watch Dogs: Legion, and while critics are mostly pretty happy with the end result, there are a number of reviewers who have reported a huge game-breaking bug for Xbox One X users, one that could affect players hoping to enjoy the game when it launches tomorrow.


So What’s The Bug?

The bug, which has mainly been reported by Eurogamer, takes place a few hours into the campaign, ironically enough during a mission called 404. As you’re playing the mission, the game will suddenly freeze before the Xbox issues a warning that it’ll shut down due to overheating. It’s an issue that’s been reported by other outlets, and it’s affected Eurogamer’s review of Watch Dogs: Legion, as they’re opting to push the review back until after a patch is issued. However, the PS4 Pro version has been fine aside from a few minor bugs.


Will This Affect Players?

For a day, yes. Watch Dogs: Legion is set to launch tomorrow, October 29th, on PC, PS4, Xbox One and Stadia, but Ubisoft have issued an official statement to say that they’re issuing a hotfix on October 30th that’ll address the issue. While it’s good that the issue will be addressed by the end of the week, it’s inevitable that people playing Watch Dogs: Legion on the Xbox One X will be caught off-guard by this issue tomorrow. If you’ve got the game pre-ordered, maybe wait until the weekend before you really dig into the game.

READ MORE: Watch Dogs: Legion: 14 Exciting Features You Need To Know About

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