Pokémon Sword and Shield: How To Send Pokémon On Poké Jobs

Crack that whip.

Pokemon Sword and Shield

One of the strangest additions to Pokémon Sword and Shield is the ability to send your Pokémon out on jobs. Called Poké Jobs, these activities can give your Pokémon EXP with more earned the longer you send them out, as well as how well suited they are to the particular job.

To send Pokémon out on Poké Jobs in Pokémon Sword and Shield, you need to make your way to a Pokémon Center and then find the Rotom Phone console, which is to the left of the nurse when you walk in. This will unlock after you arrive at Motostoke for the first time.

Poké Jobs

All Poké Jobs are different, but the higher the star rating, the better the rewards will be. They also ask for specific types of Pokémon. If a job posting asks for a Dark type Pokémon, for instance, any Dark Pokémon you send will have increased EXP gains.

Poke Jobs

You can select how long you want to send your Pokémon out for, but we recommend that you select Whole Day, especially if your Pokémon will just be sat in a box otherwise. Whole Day means 24 real-time hours, whereas Just a Little will only be 1 hour.

How Long Do Poké Jobs Take?

Here’s a full breakdown of the length of times you can send your Pokémon out on Poké Jobs for.

Whole Day – 24 Hours
Half Day – 12 Hours
Very Long – 8 Hours
Long – 4 Hours
Short – 3 Hours
Very Short – 2 Hours
Just A Little – 1 Hour

New Poké Jobs are added the deeper into the game you go depending on what Gym Badges you’ve earned, and later jobs will allow you to send out even more Pokémon. It’s a pretty decent way of levelling up your Pokémon quickly, even more so if you don’t want to carry them around in your party and still help them grow.

You can also earn some rewards if your Pokémon do a good job — we’ve even received a Fire Stone and immediately evolved a Vulpix. The more suited your Pokémon are to the job, the better the rewards.

Elsewhere in Pokémon Sword and Shield, don’t forget to check out how to change the names of your Pokémon, as well as some beginner’s tips if you’re new to the Pokémon experience.

Pokémon Sword and Shield are out now on Nintendo Switch.

Pokémon Sword and Shield Beginner’s Tips
How To Level Pokémon Up Quickly
How To Change Your Hairstyle

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