PlayStation Plus Games For October 2022 Include Injustice 2

... And Injustice (2) For All.

Injustice 2
Injustice 2

The start of a new month is usually an exciting time for PlayStation Plus subscribers, as it means there’s another wave of PS Plus games for players to claim. October 2022 is certainly no exception, though it’s worth noting that this isn’t the most stacked PS Plus line-up ever.

The PlayStation Plus games for October 2022 include Hot Wheels Unleashed for PS4 and PS5, Injustice 2 for PS4 and Superhot for PS4. Both Injustice 2 and Superhot will also be playable on PS5 via backwards compatibility.

Considering two thirds of the line-up consists of games that are over half a decade old, this PlayStation Plus line-up might be a hard one for people to get excited about. They’re both excellent games, and if you haven’t gotten around to playing them yet, now is the perfect time, but given their age, that might not apply to a lot of people.

October 2022’s PlayStation Plus games will go live on Tuesday, October 4th, which means you’ve still got a few days left to claim September 2022’s PS Plus games, which include Need For Speed: Heat, Granblue Fantasy Versus and TOEM. October’s games will be available until Monday, October 31st. Once claimed, you’ll be able to play these PS Plus games for as long as your subscription is active.

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