Can You Play Forza Horizon 5 Offline?

Lone rider.

Forza Horizon 5
Forza Horizon 5

The joy of Forza Horizon 5 is being able to experience the high-octane racing action that the series has been known for with multiple people, but that’s not everyone’s ideal way of playing racing games. Some people would rather explore and race on their own, unaffected by other players, but does Forza Horizon 5 have the option to play the game offline?

Here’s everything you need to know about playing Forza Horizon 5 offline.


Forza Horizon 5: How To Play Offline

In order to play Forza Horizon 5 offline while still maintaining an internet connection, you simply need to select the Horizon Solo mode in the game’s pause menu. Once selected, the world will switch from being populated with other players to simple Drivatars. You won’t be able to dabble with online features like convoys or Horizon Arcade, but you’ll still be able to explore, find collectibles and start race events without being exposed to other players.

If you don’t have an internet connection, you’ll still be able to play Horizon 5 via this solo mode, but any updates, live events or messages you receive will not go through. While it’s not the ideal way of playing Forza Horizon 5, it’s still viable for those who don’t have any other choice.


Can You Still Play Forza Horizon 5 Offline Via Game Pass?

So long as the Xbox you’re playing on is set as your home Xbox, you’ll be able to play Xbox Game Pass titles like Forza Horizon 5 while offline, though you’ll need to connect to the internet at least once a month as proof that your Xbox Game Pass subscription is still valid. However, for those who use game sharing, the process of setting someone’s Xbox as your home Xbox and vice versa to share your digital game library, you won’t be able to play Forza Horizon 5 offline via Game Pass.

Forza Horizon 5 is available on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X | S.

READ NEXT:  Forza Horizon 5: How To Play With Friends

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