Forza Horizon 5: How To Play With Friends

Better together.

Forza Horizon 5
Ash is billy-no-mates.

Forza Horizon 5 is all about the community experience of tearing across the landscape in high-powered cars with your friends. While there’s plenty for lone wolf players to get up to within the game, there’s a whole new dimension of fun to be had once you start inviting your mates to get involved. Figuring out how to do that is another story entirely.

Here’s how you can play with your friends in Forza Horizon 5.


Forza Horizon 5: Playing With Friends

Before you unlock the ability to play with friends, you’ll need to complete an introductory set of races and events, though thankfully this section isn’t as long as FH4’s.

In order to play with your friends, you’ll have to form a convoy, Forza Horizon 5’s party system. Convoys have been in the game for a while now, but Forza Horizon 5’s convoys are more extensive than they’ve ever been, accommodating up to 12 players including in cross-play. Fair play to you if you have that many friends online at one time, but you can also invite random players you encounter during online free roam to your convoy.

Once in a convoy together, you can engage in a number of activities, aside from just driving around Mexico. You can compete in the Horizon Arcade, limited events that challenge players in the lobby to perform specific tasks, or you can set up race events with the members of the convoy. Convoys feature drop-in, drop-out mechanics, meaning you can come and go as you please without disrupting the rest of the convoy.

It’s worth noting that, from what we’ve seen during our time with the game, there doesn’t seem to be a way to invite the whole lobby to your PvP races like you could in Forza Horizon 4. The only way to invite players is if you’re in a convoy with them. On the one hand, reducing the level of random invites for players who want to be left alone is a good thing, but if you’re looking for a similar experience to Forza Horizon 4 when it comes to playing with random players, you may be disappointed.

Forza Horizon 5 is available on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X | S.

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