NBA 2K21’s The City Looks Like PlayStation Home For Basketball

I'm so far out of my wheelhouse here.

NBA 2K21

In the run up to the launch of NBA 2K21 on next-gen consoles, the publisher has revealed what has to be the biggest reason why there’s no free upgrade for current gen owners, as they’ve announced The City, a huge social hub for your MyPlayers to explore. You can check out the trailer for yourself above, featuring Eric B. & Rakim’s Don’t Sweat The Technique. At least The City has good music taste.


So What’s New About The City?

What’s new is the sheer scale of it all, as The City way bigger than anything 2K has tried in the past. The City has been split into four different boroughs that are each controlled by rival affiliations. The north, south, east and west of The City is controlled by the Knights, Vipers, Beasts and Wildcats respectively, and players are assigned to a faction once they’ve reached Pro 1 in Rookieville. Each affiliation will even have their own Mayor to represent them.

The middle of the City is the Event Center, where players can play on unique, futuristic courts. There’s also the Gatorade Training Facility, which has been expanded, and the City is designed to show hundreds of players simultaneously, making it a huge social space as well. You can showcase your customisations with each other before taking to the court, if that’s your bag.


That Really Sounds Like PlayStation Home For Basketball, Huh?

Yeah, it does, but considering there’s a training area sponsored by Gatorade, and the trailer shows billboards for TikTok and Beats by Dre, it’s likely that The City will be filled with just as much third party advertising as Home was too. If ads were spotted on loading screens in NBA 2K21, you better believe there’ll be some in The City too. Either way, you can see for yourself when next-gen NBA 2K21 launches on November 10th for Xbox Series X|S, or November 12/19th for PS5.

READ MORE: Next-Gen NBA 2K21 Gameplay Reveal Looks Incredible

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