Mobile Game Naruto Shippuden Narutimate coming to English Territories

Bandai Namco confirmed that their mobile game Naruto Shippuden Narutimate, which was announced earlier this year, will now be released in English territories in addition to its already confirmed Japanese release.

The game launched in Japan on July 14 and will see international distribution later this year, although pre-registration is now open. If it hits 25,000 pre-registered users, they’ll all receive five elusive and valuable Ninja Pearl items when it launches. Great incentive to draw people to your game, Bandai Namco!

Naruto Shippuden Narutimate is a free-to-play brawler in which you engage in turn-based battles. There will be both a story mode and multiplayer options, and you should expect there to be microtransactions.

The Naruto manga by Masashi Kishimoto ended back in 2014, but there’s clearly been a strong effort to keep the franchise alive. Let’s just see if Naruto remains popular after Lionsgate releases its planned live-action film adaptation.

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