Microsoft have been unable to confirm whether or not Halo Infinite will be an Xbox Play Anywhere title, like all of their first party exclusives, leading to plenty of speculation as to why.
After fans noticed that the store page for Halo Infinite doesn’t include Xbox Play Anywhere, despite being available on PC, Microsoft issued a statement to Gamespot stating that: “Halo Infinite is in development for both the Xbox and Windows 10 PC. The studio is taking the time needed to make the best Halo game possible and we will share more information about the game once we’re ready.”
The statement does little to clear up a situation already rampant with theories. The common one is that the game is still early in development, and Microsoft and 343 Industries haven’t nailed down the specifics of the game’s distribution. Halo: Infinite might not even receive a simultaneous release on Xbox and PC.
The wording on the statement also leaves things open to further speculation, as it says that Halo Infinite is in development for the “Xbox” and not the Xbox One specifically, leading people to believe that the game is in development for the next generation of hardware. The store page does list the Xbox One and Xbox One X though, so that theory isn’t quite concrete.
Still, considering that Halo Infinite hasn’t even been given a vague release window yet, we’ve got a long road ahead for Microsoft to reveal news about the game. Here’s hoping we learn more about the game within the coming months. I don’t feel like waiting until 2020 for a new Halo game.
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