Locke & Key: Season 4 – Everything You Should Know

Locke and Key
Locke and Key

Locke & Key was one of Netflix’s more promising shows in recent years. It successfully showed off the original comic book series’ magical concepts and unique premise. Despite the poorly received third season, the first two seasons were enjoyable enough to make the series somewhat famous, which begs the question: is Locke & Key: Season 4 still on the table?

If you watched Season 3, you might’ve heard the Whispering Iron chatters before the last episode ended. This might have you asking if there’s still more to the story and if the Locke family hasn’t escaped the magic keys yet. To answer your questions, here’s everything you should know about Locke & Key: Season 4.


When Is Locke & Key: Season 4 Coming Out?

There’s no news regarding the release date of Locke & Key: Season 4 because the series has ended. Locke & Key finished after three seasons, as the creators originally intended. Showrunners Meredith Averill once stated, “We had done an enormous part of the original, the source material we used, and we have our own original ideas as well, and it felt like a natural endpoint for us to tell at the end of the 3rd season.”

Even though we won’t be getting a fourth season, it’s better that Locke & Key didn’t overstay its welcome and get drawn out. It’s also rare for Netflix shows to get an actual ending since most series get randomly canceled with unresolved plot threads. Furthermore, given that Season 3 wasn’t received well among fans, the chances of Locke & Key getting renewed for Season 4 are slim.


Would the Cast Return For Locke & Key: Season 4?

Since the show has officially ended, the cast will not return for Locke & Key: Season 4. Most of them have bid farewell to their characters and moved on to other roles after the series finale. But in the unlikely scenario that Locke & Key does get a fourth season, the cast may be on-board to return and reprise their roles.

Believe it or not, the actors got along and felt like a family on and off-screen. Co-showrunner Carlton Cuse even said that the love and connection between them as characters on screen wasn’t hard to achieve because they became like a surrogate family behind the scenes. So despite the show not getting a fourth season, it’s highly likely the cast will be more than happy to reunite in other ways.


What Could Locke & Key: Season 4 Be About?

Considering the previous season’s ending, it’s difficult to tell what Locke & Key: Season 4 could be about. Spoilers ahead for Season 3, since the Locke family already threw all the keys into the portal, their lives are finally back to normal, or so it may seem.

As mentioned earlier, the final scene in the last episode had viewers hear whispers before cutting to black. This could be a sign that there are still more keys in Keyhouse Manor, or the keys that the Locke family threw away might’ve returned somehow. If that’s the case, then it’ll be up to the writers where to go from there.

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