The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Released on Wii U

In a rare praiseworthy business decision from Nintendo, the 2011 Wii masterpiece The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword has been released on the Wii U eShop for $19.99. Which is an incredibly reasonable price for an open-world game that offers hours upon hours of content.

Skyward Sword was one of the highest-reviewed games of 2011, and is also considered to be one of the finest entries in the franchise. The Wii was discontinued quite some time ago, so it’s great to see one of its best games finally becoming available again, albeit in the form of a port rather than a remaster.

Given Nintendo’s track record when it comes to the series, it’s safe to say that Breath of the Wild will also be an instant classic. But due to its hefty production and marketing costs, it will need to sell over two-million copies to break even when it arrives on both Wii U and NX. And while Nintendo clearly made some criminal mistakes when it comes to marketing in recent years, the high sales of their first-party titles have always kept them afloat, so this number certainly appears to be reachable.

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