Konami Interested in Releasing New Castlevania On Nintendo Switch


Don’t look now, but Konami may actually be listening to their fans. Their Castlevania franchise, which has gone through a sticky period over the last ten years, may eventually get a new game added to its impressive line-up.

After the relative success of Super Bomberman R on the platform, European Brand Manager Richard Jones is open to bringing Castlevania to the Nintendo Switch:

“There (are) lots of internal discussions going on within Konami regarding what games we can bring to the Nintendo Switch, other than Bomberman, a game which we are well aware of its heritage and how loved it and Castlevania is. So much so that Castlevania is getting is getting its own show on Netflix and because of that, we’re hearing a lot of desires from our fans for a new Castlevania series. So we do know there is a demand for a new game, but right now nothing is set in stone as the discussions are still on going.”

With the announcement of a Netflix series to also look forward to, the future seems a lot less bleak for Castlevania fans all of a sudden. Konami looked like they were taking a hard stance on not developing new computer games and opting for pachinko adaptations instead, so maybe they’re actually listening to feedback and re-evaluating how they do things.

In the meantime, Konami are expected to have a small involvement at E3 2017. PES 2018 is almost a certainty, but Metal Gear Survive, the heavily-criticised non-Kojima MG game, may also be in attendance.

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