The Just Cause 2 Grappling Hook is Exactly What GTA V Needed

Just Cause GTA

We all remember those heady days of Just Cause 2 when the grappling hook was the bane of all your enemies and the link to the huge world around you.

Attaching planes to their runways and then watching them try take off or just maybe hanging underneath an attack helicopter as it tries to shake you off, or perhaps pulling yourself along whilst under a deployed parachute all these examples and so many more is what made the Just Cause 2 such an amazing game.

Now thanks to JulioNIB, you can take the ‘game of the century’ and turn it into something god like.

Yes, the animations may need a slight tweak here and there but who cares when you can attach a police car to a police chopper and watch gravity take care of the rest or catapult yourself onto the nearest sedan and drag a few helpless civilians along for the ride?

This mod has made the brilliant even better, all Rockstar needs to do now is incorporate it into the Xbox One and PS4 versions and we’ll all have just cause to play it even more.

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