JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Watch Order Guide (Parts, OVAs & More)

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

If you’ve kept up with the anime community for the past decade, then you’ve probably heard about JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. Although it’s mainly known for its humor and memes, the work of Hirohiko Araki still has a lot to offer. JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is filled with outstanding art style and memorable characters, brought to us by the studio, David Production. If you’re planning to watch JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, then you might be looking for a JoJo watch order.

This series is unlike any other anime out there. Each part follows different main protagonists from several generations of the Joestar family. The members of this family possess supernatural abilities that allow them to face the forces of evil. Each descendant will fight different enemies, ranging from vampires to Italian mafia gangs. As you watch the anime, you’ll see each Joestar descendant develop as a character as they flashily battle their enemies.

If you want to see just how bizarre the anime is, then here’s how you should watch JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure in order.


JoJo Watch Order Guide

Recommended JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Watch Order & Relevant Arcs

To fully experience one of the most influential series of all time, here’s the watch order for JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure.

– JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Season 1 – Parts 1 and 2 (Phantom Blood & Battle Tendency)
– JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Season 2 – Part 3 (Stardust Crusaders)
– JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Season 3 – Part 4 (Diamond Is Unbreakable)
– JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Season 4 – Part 5 (Golden Wind)
– JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Season 5 – Part 6 (Stone Ocean)

Even though it calls itself bizarre, the watch order is quite the opposite. JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure anime adaptation directly followed the story arcs from the manga. That means you can start watching from Season 1 with no worries since they’re all in chronological order.


Should You Watch JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure’s OVAs?

That’s right, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure also has some OVA episodes that you can watch.

One of them is an OVA series titled Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan. It was adapted from the spin-off manga of the same name, featuring the character from Diamond Is Unbreakable, Rohan Kishibe. The OVA is just a set of side stories that follows Rohan and his encounters with supernatural phenomena. It doesn’t contribute to the overall plot, but if you want to see more well-animated Rohan content, then this is for you.

JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure also released a few episodes before it started its run in 2012. Back in 1993, an adaptation of the Stardust Crusaders storyline was created. It featured a different style of animation given the time of its release. Some people also believe that some fights were animated better in this one. Still, it’s okay not to watch it if you want to go for the latest adaptation of Stardust Crusaders instead.


Where To Watch JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Online

The following streaming services allow you to watch JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure online, depending on your region:

JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Season 1-3 are available on Crunchyroll, Funimation, Netflix, and Hulu.

JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Season 4-5 can be streamed on Crunchyroll and Netflix.

You can also buy JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure to keep digitally on Amazon Prime and Google Play, as well as physically on Blu-ray.

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