5 Reasons to Get Hyped for Netflix’s Castlevania Series

Netflix Castlevania

Netflix’s upcoming Castlevania series will be released on the 7th of July, and is already being highly anticipated by fans around the world. If you’re not part of the group of vampiric viewers who are eagerly awaiting the series’ release, here’s five reasons to help convince you:


Pretty pictures

castlevania screenshot

The animation shown in the series trailer is of an anime style, but it’s being produced by a US company: Frederator Studios, a Wow! Unlimited Media company. Frederator are known as the studio behind such shows as Fairly OddParents, Adventure Time and Bee and PuppyCat. Castlevania is quite a change in tone compared to the colourful, family-oriented shows for which Frederator is known and loved for, but the animation in the trailer appears smooth and befitting of Konami’s original games. It’s one good reason to get excited for the upcoming series.


A symphony for the devil

Castlevania music box screenshot

The series’ opening title song has already been released, along with information that composer Trevor Morris is working on the series’ soundtrack. Morris is well-known for large, orchestral scores for games like Dragon Age: Inquisition, and this should lend itself well to a series that’s set in such a grand, power-driven world. I’m looking forward to hearing the full soundtrack, which will be released with the series on the 7th of July.


Written in blood

Warren Ellis

The series has been written by Warren Ellis, who is probably best known for his work on graphic novels like TRANSMETROPOLITAN, FELL, MINISTRY OF SPACE and PLANETARY. Ellis is a writer with tons of experience, and I’m excited to see his own spin on Castlevania‘s world. The series will apparently have a “Game of Thrones” feel to its writing, so don’t get too attached to any of the characters…


Blood-curdling screams…

Castlevania skeleton screenshot

The show is still teasing its full voice cast as it’s trying to keep a lot of its actors a surprise until release, but one actor confirmed to be part of the Netflix series is actor Richard Armitage (The Hobbit), who has been tweeting about the upcoming show for several months now:

Richard Armitage sharing the Castlevania trailer on Twitter


Paving the way for something more?

Source: Netflix

More original Netflix content is always a good thing, and if Castlevania is successful, it might pave the way for more video game series and movies produced and/or funded by the streaming service.

As well as this, more positive buzz around Netflix’s Castlevania will be one of the most important factors in deciding whether or not a new game in the series might be coming to the Nintendo Switch.

So if you’re interested in more shows based on video games or more Castlevania content, make sure to check out the show on the 7th of July, and become part of the vampiric viewing figures!

Are you looking forward to the upcoming Netflix series? Let us know in the comments below!

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