Listen To The New Theme Song From Netflix’s Castlevania Series

castlevania screenshot

The main title song from Netflix’s upcoming Castlevania series has just been released, and is available to listen to for free right now.

The track was composed by Trevor Morris (who has a piece of my heart for his work on the Dragon Age: Inquisition soundtrack, as well as a bunch of great historical dramas like Vikings and The Borgias) and will feature as the show’s main title.

The Netflix Castlevania series will be released on the 7th of July 2017, and will feature a star-studded voice cast which will include actor Richard Armitage (The Hobbit). The soundtrack will be available digitally on the same day, and will be available from Lakeshore Records.

You can watch the trailer for the series below:

What do you think of the new opening title? Are you looking forward to the new Netflix Castlevania series? Let us know in the comments below!

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