How To Reveal Titanfall 3

Stand by.

Titanfall 2
Titanfall 2

It’s 2020 and we still don’t have Titanfall 3. I will say it one more time, but in italics. It’s 2020 and we still don’t have Titanfall 3.

This fact continues to baffle me. Sure, Titanfall 2 didn’t sell well at launch because EA thrust it into the worst launch window possible, but whereas time has forgotten Battlefield 1 and *checks notes* something called “Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare“, the love for the game just continues to grow.

Apex Legends may be the biggest reason why. The free-to-play battle royale set in the Titanfall universe has experienced many times more success than its franchise grandfather ever did with an entire Respawn studio now working on the game. Respawn also released Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order in 2019, but the only Titanfall news is bad Titanfall news. In early May 2020, Respawn confirmed that a third Titanfall game wasn’t in development.

I don’t get it. I just don’t get it. With more people than ever deep into its universe thanks to Apex and a giant cliffhanger to resolve, the only possible reason for Titanfall 3 not happening is that they are trying to build its cult status, to grow its devoted following even more until the day it is finally revealed and those pre-orders go through the roof.

When that day finally arrives, I have an idea on how to reveal Titanfall 3.

titanfall 2
Pictured: Sweet princes

First off, a black screen. Everybody loves a black screen. It gets the people going.

Then, “Trust Me” from the official soundtrack starts playing. Softly to begin with; maybe so softly that only the biggest of BT devotees will hear it.


And then, as if God himself was calling down from Heaven, a familiar robot voice booms out:


Quick cut to Cooper’s helmet, the lasting image from the finale of Titanfall 2. After a few seconds, an arm reaches out and picks the helmet up.

Black screen.

Title card, Stephen Barton’s big bastard horns blaring out, the people go wild.

Book it, Vince (Zampella).

Titanfall 2 is available now for PC via Origin, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. It’s almost always stupidly cheap.

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