During tonight’s Inside Xbox presentation, it was announced that Halo: The Master Chief Collection will be coming to PC, and will be available through Steam. Take that, Epic Games Store! The added bonus is that Halo: Reach has finally been confirmed to be joining Halo: The Master Chief Collection on both PC and Xbox One.
The PC version of the MCC will be rolled out game by game, allowing the development team to properly refine the experience for each game as they’re released, with Reach starting the rollout before carrying on in chronological order. As for Halo: Reach, the game will be fully upgraded with 4K visuals and more, so it’ll be given the same treatment as the rest of the games in the MCC.
The release of Halo: Reach on Xbox One is, admittedly, weird. The multiplayer component will be added for all MCC owners, while the Campaign and Firefight will be added as a premium DLC option. Xbox Game Pass subscribers will be given the full experience as part of their subscription. No release date was given aside from later this year, but we’re willing to wager a surprise launch at E3. Anyone want to take us up on that? For more details, be sure to check out Halo Waypoint.
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