Game Of Thrones Power Rankings: Will Daenerys Just Invade Already?

Dany and whatshisface
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A couple of big returns and surprisingly little brutal murder this week. It’s almost as if Game of Thrones is rewarding us for good behavior. Now keep it up or the Starks are going to start dying again.

Not on the list this week, but does anyone else want Sam to rugby tackle his dad right in the ribs? We’d all heard the guy was a jerk, but now we’d quite like him added to Arya’s list. Anyone else? What a dick.


1. Team Sparrow

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What just happened? Is the High Sparrow now basically running the Seven Kingdoms from the shadows like some Westerosi Lex Luthor? Jamie and the Tyrells were all ready to butcher the entire Faith Militant with their army, and then it turns out King Tommen has been turned. With Queen Margaery on side the Sparrows control the King, and in doing so they basically pull the strings of the entire Kingdom. It’s starting to look like the Lannisters have met their match.


2. Team Targaryen

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We’ve been burned too many times by Daenerys’ story arcs to get too excited at this point in the game (pun not intended). This week’s dramatic, dragon-mounted speech did have something of the grand gesture to it though. For the first time in what seems like forever Dany and her buddies actually talked about how, logistically, they might invade Westeros. And this time, surely, it’s going to happen – right? She’s got three entire armies at her disposal, not to mention three actual dragons. Westeros doesn’t have a chance. Does it?


3. Team Stark

Arya Stark
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The main Stark storyline was largely absent this week – no Sansa or Jon to be found. But it’s hard to shake the feeling that the Starks are slowly starting to converge to each other like homing pigeons. In Braavos Arya seems poised to abandon the House of Black and White, with a return to Westeros being her obvious destination. Meanwhile north of the wall Bran and Meera Reed meet a long forgotten face on their race south: Benjen Stark. Suddenly there’s a lot of them Starks about, and there’s no doubt they’re stronger together.


4. Team Tully

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Turns out Littlefinger wasn’t lying. Catelyn’s uncle, Brynden the Blackfish, has taken back Riverrun and sent Walder Frey’s army scurrying. Right now we’re not sure what his agenda is, or how friendly he might be to northerners, but at least someone’s sticking it to that old backstabbing codger. Whether Riverrun can hold against an army led by Jamie Lannister is another question. The Blackfish is well respected and formidable, though, so don’t count out the Tullys.


5. Team White Walkers

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They might not have murdered a bunch of people we love this week, but the White Walkers are still coming. Their goal is currently unknown, beyond turning everything into an ice zombie, which probably makes them even more scary. If it wasn’t for Benjen Stark they’d probably be munching on Bran’s brains as we speak. With nothing left to stand against them beyond the wall there’s really only one direction these guys can go. Spoiler: it’s the direction where all the alive people are.


The Rest

Team Greyjoy

Nothing from the Iron Islands this week (what a surprise), although if Daenerys is going to get her army to Westeros she could use the ships Euron is supposed to be building.

Team Bolton

Another no show this week for Ramsay and his house of barking terror. Don’t doubt that somewhere off screen he’s busy torturing and tormenting other unfortunates though. Someone really needs to kill that guy.

Team Yara

Just go and help Sansa and Jon already you guys. Where the hell else are you going to go?


Does anyone else get the feeling that, once all the dust is settled, Littlefinger will still be stood somewhere at least adjacent to the Iron Throne?

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