Game Of Thrones Power Rankings: What Did Ramsay Just Do?

Game of Thrones Ramsay

Nothing stands still in Westeros, not even for a single episode. While the second week of Game of Thrones‘ sixth season might not have seen any decisive movements, it did eat away at certain teams. Two houses took major losses, while others put new plans into action.

If you’re looking for real developments though, they can’t be far away. There’s a sense that players are moving into position for some big action in the coming weeks. For now, the stalemate in King’s Landing seems to have subtly shifted – but what will it mean?


1. Team Sparrow

Not a lot happened in King’s Landing this week, but it’s definitely becoming clear who has the real power in the city. The High Sparrow might not have had much screen time here, but what he got he used well. Not only are he and his sparrows strong enough to dictate to the king, but the guy’s smart enough to force Jamie to keep his steel sheathed. Perhaps more importantly though, we finally got a hint at his endgame: “Together, we can overthrow an empire.”


2. Team Lannister

The Lannisters hold the Red Keep, but it’s starting to feel like they’re its prisoners instead of its rulers. Cersei, despite having an eight foot tall zombie knight on her side, is confined to the keep and unable to attend her daughter’s funeral. Jamie’s formidable reputation means nothing to the Sparrows, and King Tommen is about as effectual as a toothbrush in a monsoon. Their alliance with House Tyrell hangs by a thread, while the Boltons, Littlefinger and Dorne all conspire against them. The lion is starting to look very isolated in Westeros.


3. Team Targaryen

We didn’t see anything of Daenerys this week, but her brain trust in Meereen made a pretty ballsy move. Their backs against the wall, Tyrion talked the team into releasing the dragons. The Sons of the Harpy were pretty bold about taking on Daenerys’s army in the fighting pits, but with two dragons roaming the city, they’re going to think twice. Grey Worm and Missandei might be the figureheads, but Varys and Tyrion are veterans of this game. Right now they’re starting to show their value.


4. Team Bolton

The Boltons still rule the North, even managing to defeat the last of the Ironborn in the region, so why have they slipped down the rankings? Well, as much as Ramsay managed to crush Stannis last season, he’s still something of a blunt weapon. He is controlled by his urges, which has so far only lead him to more power and victory. Now that he’s gone and murdered Roose though, his father’s wisdom and guile are no longer restraining him. The Boltons have lost their key tactical mind, and it’s only a matter of time before Ramsay slips up.


5. Team Sansa

With Theon heading back to the Iron Islands, Team Sansa is barely clinging on to fifth place this week. In many ways the last hope of the North, Sansa is making a daring run for Castle Black where she assumes she’ll meet a living and breathing Jon Snow.

Which she will, apparently. Jon Snow is officially not dead anymore. With her half-brother in charge of the Night’s Watch and Ramsay planning to attack Castle Black, is there a chance Sansa could find new allies at the Wall? Could she even have the help of a Red Priestess?


The Rest:

Team Greyjoy

The death of a leader is never good news for any faction, but with Balon’s demise, expect things to start looking up for the Iron Islands. A new leader must be chosen. If it’s Yara, the Kraken will finally be under smart leadership. If it’s Balon’s mysterious brother Euron, expect some sinister shenanigans. Either way the Ironborn could soon be back in the game in a major way.

Team Tyrell

Nothing new here. Margaery and Loras are still enjoying an extended stay in the High Sparrow’s scenic dungeon.


Still no Petyr Baelish this season, but even without screen time you can bet he’s got schemes going on in the background.

Team Dorne

No sign of Dorne this week. The Sandsnakes presumably have something going on, but right now they’re nothing more than a threat – albeit one the Lannisters should keep an eye on.

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