Fortnite’s Tomato Town Has Massively Changed

Tomato Man

Tomato Town is one of Fortnite’s most dependable landing spots, especially if you’re a new player. It’s almost always sparse for enemies, has okay loot (in solos) and is easy to gather mats from because of stone and palettes everywhere. You can always count on Tomato Town.

With the release of a new update for Fortnite season 5, it looks like it may be about to become a more attractive spot for everyone. First Anarchy and now Tomato: is there no respite for cowards (like me) in this game? We may actually have to start dropping Flush.

The downtime has meant that dataminers have been able to jump on in and inspect the newly updated files, with a loading screen and overview of the map showing what’s changed. A loading screen also appears to showcase the Road Trip skin as well as show off Tomato Town’s new look.

From the looks of it, Tomato Man’s adventures have either created a cult of sorts or transporting some constructs from Aztec or Mayan times thanks to the rifts in the sky. I’ve been saying for a long time that Epic should really be using the rifts to change the map throughout the season, so here’s hoping this isn’t the last time.

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