For those active around Season 6, you’ll recognise this challenge quite quickly. This is essentially the same challenge as the season previous, but no longer a multi-stage challenge requiring you to find the sheet music first. As such, all you need to do with this challenge is play the pianos themselves and that’s it.
For those that weren’t around or have forgotten, the pianos in question are giant piano keys (around three times the height of a player character) embedded into the ground laying down. All you need to do is step (or jump) onto a key to play it. Play them in the sequence shown by the music sheet just behind the keys and you’ll receive credit.
You can complete this challenge in as many games as it takes, which is just as well, as currently these areas are a pickaxe melee free-for-all. Oh, and the occasional guy who lands at the nearby named location, picks up a gun and comes to kill everyone so he won’t be bothered on his musical ventures.
Below is a picture of the map with both piano locations circled in red.
Fortnite Season 7 Piano Locations
As you can see, the pianos are not particularly well hidden as you can even see them (faintl,y mind you) from the main map if you know where to look. If you’re not willing to engage in protracted pickaxe battles, you can always land at the Stormwing depots, grab a gun and fly over to them and bully everyone away as most people land there straight from the Battle Bus and are completely unarmed.
Pleasant Park Piano Location
This piano is in the same location as last season’s. You’ll find it atop a hill just west of Pleasant Park, which is B3 on the main map’s grid. The sheet itself is straightforward with only five inputs required.
Lonely Lodge Piano Location
You’ll find this piano southeast of Lonely Lodge, just north of the old ‘superhero’ mansion that is now abandoned (but used for another challenge this week). It’s located right on the edge of the map’s landmass at J5 on the main map’s grid.
This one is a bit more tricky than the previous sheet. Uou need 10 inputs and some of them are from keys with the same letter, but different shape. For example, it requires three types of A inputs, an A in a square, A in a circle and the A with the hash (#) symbol. Just make sure you pay attention to the type of letter as well as the letter itself when trying to play the sheet.
That’s all there is to this challenge and the only real challenge requiring a bit of extra directions that our typical weekly overview can’t provide. If you’re looking for our weekly challenge overview you can find it here. Best of luck with the inevitable pickaxe duels.
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