Fortnite Lil’ Kev Back Bling Challenges Walkthrough

Fortnitemares has come and gone in Fortnite, leaving behind a new set of small islands in Leaky Lake and the tragic demise of Kevin the Cube, who’s been a part of the Fortnite experience since August, if you can believe it. Epic Games won’t let us forget him just yet, however, thanks to these Lil’ Kev Back Bling challenges.

These are some of the easiest challenges you will ever find in Fortnite and most of them can be earned just through regular play. The reward for your hard work/enabling your addiction further is the Lil’ Kev Back Bling, which is a Rare item that’s truthfully fairly nondescript but kind of cool all the same.

Bear in mind that you don’t need the Battle Pass for Season 6 to complete the Lil’ Kev Back Bling challenges, much in the same way that you didn’t need the BP for the Fortnitemares challenges. The below are available from now until November 11th, which gives you just under a week to dust them off.


Lil’ Kev Back bling Challenges

Lil’ Kev Backbling Challenges

Play Matches (15) – 500 XP
Exactly what it says this one: just play through fifteen different Fortnite matches and you will be a third of your way towards Lil’ Kev. Remember that you cannot just quit and keep entering a new match; you have to either die or win.

Gain 5000 XP – 500 XP
Another challenge that seems to be very straightforward, you can tick this one off your list just by playing matches. While you naturally earn XP from playing better, you can do this in conjunction with your Battle Pass challenges which reward you with XP for completing individual challenges to make it go much faster.

Outlive Opponents (500) – 500 XP
This will almost definitely go hand-in-hand with your Play Matches challenge. Obviously, the quickest way to dust this one off is to be the last man standing for five or six matches in a row, but if you just land somewhere more isolated or just straight up hide, you will be able to outlast your opponents without much fuss.

Once you have completed all three of these, you will have completed Lil’ Kev Back Bling Challenges and unlock the special item to make sure that he is gone but never forgotten. If you have not completed your Fortnitemares challenges, you have unfortunately missed out on the special event items. There’s always next Halloween, eh.

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