Directed by Alek Keshishian, Selena Gomez: My Mind & Me takes viewers on a six-year journey into her life. Following Gomez through mental health struggles, managing her autoimmune condition (lupus), and the challenges of being a megastar in the limelight, this story is not intended to promote a product but instead allows her to speak her truth.
Immediately captivated, viewers are presented with a voiceover of Gomez promising to tell the audience her darkest secrets, followed by some of her journal entries displayed in fonts on the screen. She emphasizes how regardless of having everything she could have ever dreamed of, she can’t help but feel lost and emotionally drained.
In a montage of clips from life on the road during her 2016 Revival Tour, we see the darker side that fame brings, being bombarded by paparazzi wherever she goes as well as constant speculation about her private life and her then high-profile relationship with Justin Bieber.
During a heartfelt moment backstage, Gomez expresses her desire for perfection in all aspects of the tour and her frustrations with never feeling good enough. She also seeks to break away from being typecast as a Disney actor from a young age and be respected as a female solo artist with her own identity.
Amidst all the pressures surrounding her, Gomez cancels the tour after 55 shows due to a mental breakdown, bringing filming of the documentary to a halt. Though only intended to capture moments during her life on the road, Keshishian resumes the documentary in 2019 as he feels a critical part of her story is yet to be told. In various emotional interviews with Gomez, and her family and friends, it is revealed that she spent time in a mental health facility where she battled psychosis and was later diagnosed with bipolar disorder.
In a flashforward from 2016 to 2019, Gomez shows how difficult the last three years have been, undergoing a kidney transplant and fearing she will end up sliding back into a dark place with her mental health. From then on, she focuses on learning more about bipolar disorder and takes each day as it comes.
To start the healing process, she surrounds herself with family, friends, and what brings her the most joy – human connection. During a trip to her hometown of Grand Prairie, Texas, Gomez visits the house she grew up in, her former neighbors, and the high school she attended. Not wanting to lose what helps keep her grounded, she makes a point of returning to her roots to ensure she doesn’t let that part of her slip away.
In Gomez’s journey to find herself, she publicly announces her bipolar diagnosis at a mental health-hosted event. In sharing her struggles and being open about what she experienced, she hopes to help others and raise money for her Rare Impact Fund which would implement accessibility to mental health resources in schools.
Keshishian effectively captures all aspects of Gomez’s life to give viewers an unbiased representation of who she is under the surface after so many years of suffering in silence. Considering her struggles, he illustrates how challenging and devastating chronic illness and mental health can be to individuals and those around them.
Additionally, he depicts the harsh reality and pressure of being such a well-known name in the entertainment industry, having every single detail of your life amplified, and at times, not being seen for who you are and being treated merely as a product.
Every minute of My Mind & Me feels vulnerable and genuine, capturing a real intimacy with Gomez that doesn’t sugarcoat her hardships. Through a courageous emotional journey, she learns to let go of the burdens that have weighed heavily on her heart for so long. Although arduous, through her ups and downs, she can use her platform to spread mental health awareness and help save lives.
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