Fortnite Chapter 2, Week 4 has arrived, delivering the fourth mission of the season, ‘Dockyard Deal’. This is another fantastic week of challenges Epic has delivered, making this one of the game’s strongest seasons yet.
This article focuses on the sixth challenge of the mission, ‘Visit The Boat Launch, The Coral Cove, And The Flopper Pond. As it is the sixth challenge, you’ll have to complete three of the mission’s previous challenges to access it. This is basically the same as last week’s challenge involving visiting three landmarks, just with different landmarks and without the dancing.
Once again map knowledge is key to finding these landmarks quickly, as they’re not named on the overworld map, nor are they particularly noticeable by staring at the map. This means you’ll need to know where the landmarks are to get this challenge done relatively quickly. Below is the map with all three locations circled.
Boat Launch, Coral Cove And Flopper Pond Map
All the locations tend to be congregated towards the west (left) side of the map, reaching from the very south to the very north of the map. The Boat Launch is circled in red, the Coral Cove is circled in blue and the Flopper Pond is circled in purple.
It is more than possible to visit all three in a single match, but because vehicles in Chapter 2 are restricted to waterways for the most part (you can drive the boat overland in a rather uncouth manner), it leaves running as your only option. However, this isn’t as bad as it may seem as Chapter 2’s map is considerably smaller than the Chapter 1 map.
Boat Launch
The Boat Launch (circled in red) is more literally named than one might expect. To the southwest of Misty Meadows is a small snow capped mountain, further southwest of this, about halfway down the peak, is a ramp with a boat perched behind it. This is why it is known as the boat launch, it is located at E8 on the main map’s grid.
Coral Cove
Coral Cove (circled in blue) is located in the small archipelago to the northwest of the map, further northwest of Sweaty Sands. There are five islands in total and it is the long western most island that contains Coral Cove. You can find it at A2 on the main map’s grid.
Flopper Pond
Flopper Pond (circled in purple) is the biggest, but least notable of the three landmarks. East of Holly Hedges and southwest of Salty Springs is a small lake (the new map contains a few lakes). It is located on the intersection of C4 and C5 on the main map’s grid, off a dirt road.
Video Guide
Once you’ve visited all three locations you’ll have completed the challenge, allowing you more challenges within the Dockyard Deal mission and one step closer to the rewards. Remember, you don’t need to visit all the landmarks in a single game and unlike last week, you don’t need to dance at each location either.
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