If you’re a big fan of Fortnite events, you’ve probably been absolute starving in recent seasons. We haven’t had a single one since the launch of Chapter almost year ago, which is a big change from them being a big feature of the Fortnite calendar on average every couple of seasons. With Season 4 winding down, you’re probably looking forward to saying goodbye to it with a big bang and an event that kicks the super-hyped Season 5 into overdrive.
Unfortunately, barring some very late in the day shenanigans, it looks like Fortnite: Chapter 4 – Season 4 won’t have an event to round off the season. There’s currently nothing in the files to suggest that there will be a big send-off for the season, meaning that Chapter 4 still won’t have yet had an event.
It looks like the island will instead be reverting back to the Chapter 1 – Season 5 map a bit more organically without an event. Slone and Nolan’s crew have stolen a time machine from Kado Thorne (the season’s big bad), and it will likely go off and take us all back by 5 years. It’s unclear if we will see many more hints of the machine malfunctioning as we get closer to the launch of Season 5, but it’s more likely just going to be the case that the game goes into downtime.
However, there are indications that Season 5 itself will have an event that rounds off Chapter 4 as a whole, launching Chapter 5 in the process.
The season will reportedly have a countdown and then an extended downtime, which is usually reserved only for the aftermath of big events. It’s not 100% confirmed, but if you’ve been waiting all chapter for the story of Fortnite to become a bit of a blockbuster again, you may just be in luck with Season 5.
Fortnite: Chapter 4 – Season 4 is set to end on Thursday, November 3rd, 2023, with Season 5 starting on that same day. Season 5 is expected to last until early December, making it one of the shortest Fortnite seasons ever.
Fortnite is free-to-play on PC via the Epic Games Store, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X | S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and Android.
MORE FORTNITE: Fortnite: When Is The Next Update?
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