Fortnite Chaos Rising: Dance At The Green Steel Bridge, The Yellow Steel Bridge & The Red Steel Bridge

Bridge over troubled water.

Fortnite Steel Bridges 1

Week 9 of Fortnite Chapter 2, Season 1 is here and with it comes the ‘Chaos Rising’ mission. This is one of the most interesting missions in a while regarding challenges. Chaos Rising is primarily made up of a rather diverse set of challenges, making it a pretty fun week overall.

This article will be focusing on the challenge: ‘Dance At The Green Steel Bridge, The Yellow Steel Bridge, And The Red Steel Bridge’. This is the fifth challenge in the mission and as such requires you to complete two challenges beforehand to access it.

This challenge is another landmark centred challenge, which is fairly easy in the technical sense, with the difficulty primarily lying in finding the landmarks themselves (as they’re never marked on the map by name).

All things considered, these are some of the few landmarks visible on the main map if you know what to look for and zoom in. There are five large steel bridges on the new Chapter 2 map and all of them are colour coded and they all cross rivers. If you zoom in on the bridges and squint hard enough, you’ll actually be able to tell the colour of the bridge just from the map alone.

For this challenge, we’re tasked with identifying the green, yellow and red steel bridges and then dancing at them for credit. You can complete them all in a single match if you wish, but that could be difficult as they’re quite distant from one another. Be aware that there are five bridges in total, the others being a purple and blue bridge, both of which you can ignore safely for this challenge.

Below is a map of the three bridges we need to visit.


Fortnite Steel Bridges Map

Fortnite Steel Bridges

As mentioned earlier, every steel bridge crosses high over a river and if you squint hard enough, you can even make out their colour from the world map without zooming in. The green bridge is circled in green (lime green to make it stand out from the grass), the yellow bridge is circled in yellow and the red bridge is circled in red.


Green Steel Bridge

Fortnite Green Steel Bridge

Fortnite Green Steel Bridge 1

The Green Steel Bridge (circled above) is located southeast of Frenzy Farm crossing high above the river. It is located on the intersection of F4 and G4 on the main map’s grid.


Yellow Steel Bridge

Fortnite Yellow Steel Bridge 1

Fortnite Yellow Steel Bridge 2

The Yellow Steel Bridge (circled above) is found directly east of Misty Meadows. If you follow the road east out of Misty Meadows you’ll come to the bridge as it crossed the river. Located at F7 on the main map’s grid.


Red Steel Bridge

The Red Steel Bridge (circled in red) is situated directly north of Salty Springs and directly south of Pleasant Park. Heading down the main road out of either down in the correct direction will bring you to it. Located at D3 on the main map’s grid.

Once you’ve made it to the correct landmark, which can be confirmed by the text on the bottom right of your screen naming the landmark, just simple perform any dance to complete the challenge. This will bring you one step closer to completing this season’s Battle Pass, which may be pertinent to you as we’re reaching the end of the season.

Fortnite: Battle Royale is free-to-play on PC via the Epic Games Store, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, iOS, and Android.

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