Konami Slither Out First Metal Gear Solid 3 Remake Gameplay Footage

Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater
Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater

Hot on the heels of the release of the first volume of the Master Collection, Konami has just shared a first in-engine look at gameplay for the upcoming MGS 3 remake, Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater, as party of Xbox Partner Preview.

Check it out for yourself down below. It’s pretty visually impressive for sure, which is to be expected for an Unreal Engine 5 game.

This pre-alpha footage seems to take place mostly in the earliest parts of the game that form the prologue, as well as the cave that you fight The Pain in. You can recognise that famous bridge from anywhere. I’m not sure I quite recognise Snake in this trailer though, his eyes and nose are a little bigger than what I am used to. Maybe the bandana will really tie it all together.

The trailer also shows closer looks at some of the fauna of Snake Eater, with what looks like a vulture being of particular interest here for obvious reasons. There’s even crouch walking! Sound the klaxon!

What’s most interesting, though, is that this is definitely a remake. Konami has been kind of quiet on what exactly they’re changing from the original, especially as the original voicework seems to be getting reused. I personally thought it would be more like a Shadow of the Colossus remake, where a shinier coat of paint is overlaid over the top of what was there. But nope, just looking at Naked Snake move around for even a few seconds shows that they’re cooking something a bit different up here.

However, there’s still no release date for this remake, so we may end up looking at a very different game by the time it actually launches. Hopefully Konami puts some of that Master Collection back into making this every bit as good as the original, and maybe they can also extend the ladder sequence by another ten minutes.

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