Exo One Soars Toward New Release Date

Get ready for an interstellar joyride.

Exo One, a sci-fi exploration game developed by Jay Weston (aka Exbleative) and published by Future Friends Games, will be released on November 18th, as revealed in the above trailer.

Per a press release:
“Exo One is a gravity-defying, interplanetary journey through space and time. Master a truly alien traversal system and move through enigmatic and desolate alien landscapes in ways you’ve never experienced. Use gravity and momentum to reach colossal speeds and exhilarating heights. Ride thermal updrafts into boiling cloud formations, careen down hillsides and launch off mountain tops, all the time drifting toward the shining blue beam on the horizon.”

Players will take control of an exploratory spacecraft as it follows a mysterious signal and takes humanity beyond the stars on an adventure across space and time.

The gameplay trailer that announced the release date showed off Exo One’s impressive visuals, as a small vessel streaks across massive alien landscapes and flies through all kinds of weather and environments.

Exo One will be available to play on November 18th for PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

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