Evil Dead: The Game brings more characters and famous moments from the Evil Dead franchise together than any game before it. As a multiplayer-centric game, you can also bring more of your friends together than ever with cross-play across all platforms.
To play cross-play with friends in Evil Dead: The Game, you must first ensure that cross-play is enabled. To enable cross-play, go to Settings > Game and then make sure that Crossplay is ticked on.
If you’re on Xbox, make sure that cross-play is enabled on a console level by going to Settings > Online safety & family > Communication & multiplayer and make sure that You can play with people outside Xbox Live is allowed. You will also need PlayStation Plus and Xbox Live Gold to play online on those consoles.
With cross-play enabled, all you need to do is go to the main menu > Social and then use the search function at the bottom to find your friends across platforms. It will even come up with what platform they’re playing on. Bear in mind that they won’t appear until they first play the game and complete the tutorial.
Add them, then invite them to play from your friends list. You can have up to three friends playing with you as a survivor, but only one can play as the demon. Remember to have voice chat enabled from the settings menu so that you can hear them in-game, and that your microphone isn’t muted under the sound settings.
If you’ve been invited to a cross-play match by a friend, you can find it under Social > Party Invites.
Evil Dead: The Game is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X | S.
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