Elder Scrolls: Blades on Switch & Commander Keen Have Not Gone Down Well On YouTube

"Are these out of season April Fool's jokes?"

Commander Keen
Commander Keen's cancelled and controversial mobile reboot

One of the biggest announcements from Bethesda’s E3 2019 presser (which was met with perhaps far too much applause) was that The Elder Scrolls: Blades would be making its way to Switch in Fall 2019.

Featuring cross-play with the mobile version as well as progress being carried over, Blades on Switch will still be free-to-play, though you’d assume its previously maligned freemium tactics will also be making the transition.

That seems to be exactly why the announcement trailer for Blades on Switch on YouTube is sitting on a not-too-pretty 1k dislikes to 600 likes at this time of writing.


The comments are as varied as you would expect as well, with most of them lamenting the fact that it will be a freemium experience along with the sad reality that it isn’t a port of Oblivion, as Jesus would want.

The negative feedback may also be down to how poorly Blades was received on mobile with its reviews complaining of it being a watered down Tamriel with too many predatory mechanics. Does the Switch really need it?

It’s not great news for Commander Keen fans, either.

Bethesda are bringing back the cult classic franchise from id as a *squints* free-to-play mobile game. The announcement has gone down even worse on YouTube with a staggering ratio of 3.1k dislikes to 208 likes, who are probably all of the people from the briefing audience who shrieked the whole way through.

Commander Keen

The comments are universally negative for Commander Keen, which is something you could see a mile away the second it was announced. The Godfather massacre meme has been given a good outing thanks to this news.

This is pretty reminiscent of last year’s E3 when Command & Conquer was brought back by EA, but in the form of a mobile game with microtransactions after years and years of negligence. While that was a bigger scale IP and disaster, the Keen revival is still going to go down in infamy.

The key takeaway from this E3, and pretty much every E3 in history: Your mobile game will not be well received, no matter what.


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