The UV Flashlight is a nightrunner tool in Dying Light 2 that’s best used as a deterrent against virals and volatiles.
The UV Flashlight, which makes a return from the original game, is unlocked in the midst of the Welcome On Board story quest with the Peacekeepers at The Wharf. It should take you 20-25 hours of gameplay to get to this point if you’re also doing lots of side content, though probably a lot less. Once on the missy and re-acquainted with Jack Matt, talk to Meyer and she will give you the UV Flashlight.

In terms of how to use it, the UV Flashlight goes in your accessory and can be equipped at any time as long as it has charge. To use it, hold down the middle mouse button on PC or L2/LT on PlayStation and Xbox. Once it runs out of battery, you will have to wait for it to recharge.
The UV Flashlight can be upgraded at a craftmaster by using Military Tech and Old World Money. You can increase the cone size, the length of the charge, and even give it a flashing effect.
Dying Light 2 is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X | S.
READ NEXT: Dying Light 2: The Story So Far
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