Dying Light 2: How To Slide

Dying Light 2 Slide
Dying Light 2 Slide

Everyone knows that the best games all feature sliding in some way, and the same is also true of Dying Light 2 as you slide your way across rooftops, though it isn’t available immediately.

To slide in Dying Light 2, you must unlock the Slide Parkour skill, which requires 1 Parkour Point to unlock but will also require you to have unlocked the prior Sleek Runner skill and have 160 stamina. To earn Parkour Points in Dying Light 2, simply run around and leap across buildings while completing quests and Parkour Challenges. You will need to have spent 3 Parkour Points in total before Slide becomes available.

Once unlocked, you can slide by holding down your crouch button while moving. Sliding is best for obstacle courses and for helping you get underneath barricades. It’s very situational, but also it’s very cool. You can even unlock Slide Jump after to allow you to jump after your slide and not lose any momentum, which will require another Parkour Point.

Dying Light 2 is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X | S.

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