Sony have announced the December 2020 line-up for PlayStation Plus, and it sees another game launching directly onto the service, along with two other titles for players to claim.
Which PS Plus Games Will Be Available?
From December 1st, PlayStation Plus members will be able to claim Worms Rumble for both PS4 and PS5, Rocket Arena and Just Cause 4 as part of their subscription. Once claimed, you’ll be able to play all three games for so long as you maintain that PS Plus subscription. These games will be available to claim until January 4th, so you’ve got a whole month to not miss out.
It’s also worth noting that the PS5 version of Bugsnax, which launched as part of the PS Plus platform, will also be claimable until January, so if you’re only getting your PS5 at Christmas but you have an active PS Plus membership, you’ll have a bunch of games waiting to be claimed.
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