Deadpool Trailer Leaks: Merc-With-The-Mouth Speaks Out


After the questionable portrayal of Deadpool in the so-so X-men Origins: Wolverine, Ryan Reynolds’ guilt must have been inconsolable. We have known for quite a while now that in order to conquer this guilt, Reynold’s has sought to truly realise the fourth-wall-breaking, foul-mouthed and intolerably-violent ‘superhero’ in his own feature film.

At this year’s Comic-Con, fans rejoiced as they were introduced to an R-rated trailer that outlined Deadpool’s origins and showed him wreaking violent havoc on helpless henchmen. Parts of the trailer draw from the test footage released a few months ago, showing Deadpool effortlessly dispatching human body after human body, all whilst cracking genuinely-entertaining jokes. Take a look at the trailer below and keep an eye out here for when the high-quality trailer hits!

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