Cyberpunk 2077’s Worst Ending Is Perhaps The Most Depressing Ending Ever


I’ve rolled the credits on Cyberpunk 2077 multiple times now and had a pretty great time with the game overall, despite everything. CD Projekt Red’s beleaguered action RPG is an absolute mess that needed at least another six months before release, and I’m going to need at least six months to get over its worst ending.

Available during the Nocturne Op55N1 quest almost as a secrete ending, Cyberpunk 2077’s worst ending is an absolute humdinger of a downer. During your conversation with Johnny when he asks about next steps, V can choose any of the three options — go with Panam, trust Hanako, or let Johnny take control — and eventually wind up with a trophy or achievement. This ending is so miserly that you don’t get anything in return.

After selecting one of the three decisions, Johnny will then ask you if you’re sure. Instead of confirming it, select “Could also just put this all to rest” and then stick with it when Johnny asks if you’re sure. V will throw their pills, making a decision once and for all with the camera switching to third-person.

Johnny and V will then have a bittersweet moment of respect for each other as they come to the realisation that their lives perhaps aren’t worth the lives of their friends in the battles to come. They tell each other it’s been a pleasure workin’ with each other, slow pan out of Night City, gunshot.

Cyberpunk 2077 Worst Ending
Cyberpunk 2077 Worst Ending

It would have been sad enough to leave it there, but the masochists at CDPR decided to reel out every close friend you’ve made over the course of the game to make you feel terrible for your decision. Panam loses her mind and hopes you burn in Hell, Kerry criticises you for being a cliché, and Viktor can barely bring himself to look at the camera. Worst of all, though, is Judy, which is…jeez.

All I can say is that Carla Tassara will absolutely make you feel like the biggest asshole ever for making the decision, even out of morbid curiosity. Her performance all feels very real, worsened by the fact that she already went through all of this with Evelyn. It’s impossible to put yourself in her shoes with this ending, whether she’s your love interest or just a friend.

It’s all capped by Misty telling you that you didn’t realise how many friends you had, which is the exact reason why you might choose this ending anyway. No matter which ending you choose, someone close to you dies, so you could even argue that this worst ending may actually be the best. Maybe what V and Johnny say to each other is correct, perhaps the other endings are just selfish.

What do I know, I’m just the guy who’s running around with a giant dildo and turning Night City into my phallic kingdom.

Cyberpunk 2077 is out now on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

MORE CYBERPUNK: Best Cyberpunk 2077 Console Graphics Settings

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