Cult of the Lamb Announced from Devolver Digital, Massive Monster

The alliterative game makers bringing sacrilegious sheep shenanigans.

Publisher Devolver Digital and developer Massive Monster have announced their new title, Cult of the Lamb.


What is Cult of the Lamb?

From the game’s Steam page:
“Cult of the Lamb casts players in the role of a possessed lamb saved from annihilation by an ominous stranger, and must repay their debt by building a loyal following in his name. Start your own cult in a land of false prophets, venturing out into diverse and mysterious regions to build a loyal community of woodland worshippers and spread your Word to become the one true cult.”

The game appears to be an occult-tinged town development sim with dungeon crawling elements, centering around an adorable satanic lamb.


When will Cult of the Lamb Be Released?

Cult of the Lamb is slated for release in 2022. Specific consoles have not yet been announced.

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