Call of Duty Warzone Complete Vehicles List

Get the win, by land or air.

Warzone Plunder

It wouldn’t be a battle royale game if there weren’t vehicles strewn around the map to help you get further inside the circle, and Call of Duty Warzone’s Verdansk map is loaded with vehicles, but it might be hard to figure which ones are the best vehicles.

From ground to sky, you’ll find plenty of ways for you and the rest of your squad to escape fights, ambush enemies, or just go off-road and see the sights. Hey, sometimes you just need to take a break between skirmishes. Here’s the complete list of vehicles that’ll be available during the launch of Warzone.


Call of Duty Warzone Vehicles

Warzone Vehicles

– Tactical Rover
– Cargo Truck
– Helicopter

During Warzone’s launch, there will be five vehicles available to players from the get-go, four ground vehicles and a Helicopter. There are no sea or water-based vehicles available right now, so any Fortnite players sick of seeing rocket boats will find solitude in Warzone.

The four ground vehicles available are the ATV, the Tactical Rover, the SUV and the Cargo Truck, with each one riding the spectrum of size, speed, protection and offroading ability. The ATV is small, only offering seats for two players with barely any protection, but it’s fast and great at offroading.

All other vehicles have four seats, but differ in other key stats. The Rover offers little protection, but it’s fast and a decent off-roader, while the SUV has better protection at the cost of speed and off-roading ability. Lastly, the Cargo Truck has space for your squad and equipment, with an incredible amount of protection, but it’s slow and taking it off-road is a death sentence.

As for the Helicopter, it does what you’d expect. There’s enough seats for you and your squad, and you can fly. Unless there’s another helicopter in the skies, or a squad on the ground have some kind of anti-air weapons, the helicopter should be a fantastic vehicle for traversing the map.

Naturally, we’ll have more specifics later on, once everyone has gotten to grips with the mode. Call of Duty Warzone is available for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One, with crossplay enabled. Modern Warfare owners can carry over all of their progression and unlocks, while new players can play for free without purchasing Modern Warfare.

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