Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Free To Play This Weekend On Steam

Infinite Warfare

The incredibly polarising Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is free this weekend on Steam. Players will be able to download and play the game from now until July 31.

If you wanted to buy the game and play it past the weekend, it’s $29.99. There are other, slightly more extortionate versions also on sale, but between you and I, just play the game on console. That’s where 99% of the playerbase is. You can also get a physical edition for much cheaper.

Still, if you have nothing to play this weekend, the Call of Duty game that proved to be the final straw for many is worth a look, if only to see what the backlash was about. Sadly, it’s only for the multiplayer, which I found to the worst part of the game when I reviewed it on release and didn’t exactly fall in love with it:

“The fine execution of space combat saves Infinite Warfare from its own myopic, fun-free multiplayer. It offers glimpses of greatness that are trapped in the series’ well-worn conventions. The fanbase may approve of this iteration, but it’s hard to recommend IW over its more competent and worthwhile peers.”

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