Why You Should Buy Rise of the Tomb Raider on PS4

After hitting the Xbox One a full eleven months ago, Rise of the Tomb Raider has now finally been released on PS4. So the question remains: is it worth forking out your hard earned cash on a game that’s almost a year old instead of going for an entirely new title?

Well firstly, Rise of the Tomb Raider was one of the most acclaimed games of 2015, so it’s understandable that gamers who have yet to experience it will want to jump in. The PS4 version goes by the subtitle 20-Year Celebration and includes a ton of extra content. If you’re a horror fan, then this is definitely a worthy purchase, as it features no fewer than four horror-themed extras. These include the spooky witch tale DLC Baba Yaga: The Temple of the Witch, and the gruesome zombie stories Blood Ties, Lara’s Nightmare, and Cold Darkness Awakened. These will easily add several more hours of content onto the 13+ hour campaign, which definitely makes the this version a more worthy value for money purchase overall.

In keeping with the current PlayStation VR craze, 20-Year Celebration will contain a VR mode called Extreme Survivor. So if you didn’t find Tomb Raider intense enough already, you can now literally have it shoved in your face nonstop. I’ll leave you to decide whether this is something you feel is worth your cash.

And lastly, just for fun, to celebrate the fact that the series is now 20 (sorry for making you feel old), some retro skins have been thrown in for good measure, so you can now experience the joy of watching 1996 Lara Croft interact with an eighth generation console world. It’s nothing groundbreaking, but it’s a fun little feature nonetheless. Hell, if EA were publishing, they’d probably charge extra just for the skins alone like they do for character emojis.

If you’re still undecided about picking it up, know that Square Enix promise that 20-Year Celebration will feature over 50 hours of content overall. I would certainly argue that an amount like that justifies a full price tagline for any game regardless of its age, and also puts some of the recent activities of other publishers, like EA charging an arm and a leg for Star Wars Battlefront, despite it being mostly void of content, to shame. Sorry to keep ripping on EA, but some of their recent business practices are more than worthy of such criticism.

Keep in mind that Rise of the Tomb Raider’s main campaign already takes place in a semi-open world with plenty of things to see and do aside from completing the story itself, so it’s safe to say that 20-Year Celebration is a must own for all PS4 owners until the release of the leaked third game in the rebooted series.

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