Animal Crossing: New Horizons v1.2.0 Patch Notes Include Seasonal Events

Still no multiple bait crafting, sadly.

Leif Shop

Animal Crossing: New Horizons is now in the midst of celebrating Nature Day, though you will need to download and then update to the v1.2.0 patch to access all of the goodness that comes with it.

Nintendo also released patch notes to accompany v1.2.0’s release, and although they don’t go into deep detail on every little thing that has changed, it’s still some good insight.

Here are those patch notes:

General updates

  • The following visiting merchants can now visit the island.
    • Leif (gardening shop)
    • Redd (Jolly Redd’s Treasure Trawler)
  • Added seasonal events.
  • Addressed issues to further ensure an enjoyable gaming experience.

Leif can be found on the plaza as part of the Nature Day event, though we’ve yet to bump into Redd. He will turn up on his boat at some random point, just like Saharah and Kicks do, among others.

As for the seasonal events, Nintendo have already specified that we will have loads to look forward to between now and June with one big event a month. Exciting times.

Not sure what “Addressed issues to further ensure an enjoyable gaming experience” relates to exactly, though. You can’t craft multiple bait still, which is probably the most requested change of them all. Considering that Tom Nook sends a letter to apologise for dropping interest rates at Nook Bank, it looks like that might be it.

I do wonder how long Nintendo will allow things like Turnip Prophet to keep predicting turnip prices, though. They’ve been pretty quick to address anything “exploitable” in the game, so here’s hoping they just keep ignoring it.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons is out now exclusively for the Nintendo Switch. From our review:

“New Horizons is a great continuation of an already fantastic series of games, and paying back Tom Nook’s loan has never been so fun.”

My Obsession With 5 Stars In Animal Crossing: New Horizons
New Horizons’ Turnip Exchange Is Very Stressful
PSA: Paying Off Your Final New Horizons Nook Loan Isn’t Worth It

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