8 Biggest Summer Blockbusters To Watch in 2015

2015 Summer Blockbusters

Mad Max: Fury Road

A lot of people have high hopes for this reboot (Remake? Sequel?). Written and directed by original Mad Max helmer George Miller, the film has a lot of interesting talent working on it. The always interesting Tom Hardy will take over as Max, while Charlize Theron and Nicholas Hoult also star. The premise looks much the same: a post-apocalyptic wasteland draped in the now classic future scavenger aesthetic.

At this point, it’s almost a toss-up whether this film is a hit or not. The trailers do hint at some potentially interesting action scenes and the latest trailer hints at a kinetic pace. But with Miller saying last year that the film would be ‘almost a continuous chase’ without much dialogue, a lot rides on whether this can still interest modern audiences for two hours.

That the original creative mind behind the series is in charge could be cause for optimism. But facing a generation of moviegoers who may be unfamiliar with the original 80s films, Fury Road might suffer the same fate as 2012’s Dredd – becoming an undiscovered gem largely overlooked by a disinterested public.

Recommendation: If you’re a fan of the series this is a chance to see Mad Max fully realised as a modern blockbuster. Newcomers might want to check out the latest trailer before making up their minds though.


Jurassic World

The original Jurassic Park, which came out way back in 1993, wasn’t a straight up action film. A lot of the first half of the movie was about the wonder of seeing the fully realised CGI dinosaurs (which was an even bigger deal at the time).

Jurassic World looks like we’ll again be touching on the hubris involved in creating dinos; the twist here though is that there’ll be at least one genetically engineered super dino. Chris Pratt takes the lead, now in full movie star mode after 2014’s Guardians of the Galaxy. The biggest change noticeable from the trailer is a greater sense of scale. There’s more people on the island, and there’s a giant water bound creature who can chomp a shark in one bight.

Unlike the original, Steven Spielberg will not be at the helm, but up and comer Colin Trevorrow should be a safe pair of hands. If Trevorrow’s previous work is anything to go by, this should be well directed at least.

Recommendation: It’s Star Lord fighting dinosaurs. Even if everything else is awful at least we’ll have that. There’s some good people on this project, though, so it’s probably safe to be optimistic.

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