Titanfall 2 is a game that feels so good to play that it’s almost impossible to describe. It’s fast, it’s responsive, it’s like being a big kid exploding things in charismatic robots. It’s, quite frankly, the best FPS of the year.
Respawn waste no time in improving on where the polarising original started things off, adding a campaign that should act as a template for its rivals. It introduces emotion and heart into what could have very easily been a testosterone-fuelled murder rampage and nothing more. Although short, never has the sentiment short but sweet applied to a video game more aptly.
Multiplayer is also enthralling, offering bite-sized morsels of fun that keep you coming back for more. It’s digital crack and it knows it. Swinging around on a grappling hook before launching into your Titan is an immensely satisfying experience and one that not enough people are enjoying.
Of the big three FPS games released during this period, Titanfall 2 has had the toughest time of it. It does almost everything better than COD and Battlefield this year and has to be up there with the very best of 2016. Don’t let this one slip you by.
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