WWE Planning A Secret Celebrity Appearance For WrestleMania

No, not Johnny Knoxville.

Source: WWE

WWE is reportedly planning for a ‘top secret’ celebrity to make an in-ring appearance at this year’s WrestleMania event. Sources have yet to reveal any details as to who this celebrity might be, but with so many stars of Hollywood, the music industry and of other pop-culture all reaching out to work with WWE, there’s a lot of possible choices to bring in.

WWE have often called upon popular celebrity stars to get involved around WrestleMania season to varying degrees of success. The likes of Mike Tyson, Kim Kardashian, Shaquille O’Neale and, most recently, Bad Bunny, have all been stars of WrestleMania at one time in its storied history.

WWE’s latest celebrity cameo has been from Jackass Forever star, Johnny Knoxville, who will be entering this year’s Royal Rumble match in an attempt to score a shot at the World Championship. I very much doubt we’ll see him standing tall at the end but it should make for a few fun Rumble spots.

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