When Does Fortnite Come Back?

We all float on.

Fortnite Chapter 3 Downtime
Fortnite Chapter 3 Downtime

Following the massive The End event which finally confirmed that The Rock is The Foundation, Fortnite players are currently swimming around in the ocean while the game is in downtime, similarly to the end of Chapter 1 with the black hole.

The game is currently unplayable with Chapter 3 right around the corner, so when is the new chapter launching and when will the downtime end?

The train of thought about the launch of Chapter 3 says that we will be getting it tomorrow (Sunday, December 5th), which is a lot earlier than first believed.

The theory about Fortnite returning on December 5th is hinted at by gameplay flags (basically cues for the game triggering certain things) which suggest that it will return at 10 AM ET / 3 PM GMT on December 5th, 2021 with Save the World getting enabled again.

As well as this, a new Save the World Pack is due to launch on December 5th. It’d be strange to sell something that can’t be bought as the game would be offline.

Adding to that, a PlayStation fan talked to PlayStation Support who seemed to confirm that the game would return on Sunday.

Fortnite downtime
Fortnite downtime | Credit: @PowerSloth1

And an Xbox support page also relays the same info.

Fortnite downtime Xbox
Fortnite downtime Xbox

Fortnite returning on Sunday at 10 AM ET / 3 PM GMT is looking likely right now, as it’d be unwise for Epic to enter into a three-day downtime like they did for the black hole as it won’t have quite the same effect, plus so much of Chapter 3 has already leaked.

However, it runs counter to what leakers and content creators with insider knowledge had been hearing about the length of the downtime, with plenty of people suggesting that it would last between December 5th and December 6th.

It seems like the leaks are the reason why the downtime is being shortened, with the game now almost definitely launching on December 5th, 2021.

While it might be disappointing that you can’t play Fortnite right now, the best thing to do is to just float on by and wait it out while staying off social media if you don’t want it all ruined for you.

Until then, be sure to visit fliptheisland.com and watch as the new map is revealed and keep a watch on official Fortnite streams for any hints of objects floating in the water.

Fortnite is free-to-play on PC via the Epic Games Store, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X | S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and Android.

MORE FORTNITE: Fortnite: Chapter 3 Battle Pass Trailer Leaks The Whole Season

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