They Are Billions Releases On PS4 Today

They really do mean billions.

Following its successful period in Steam Early Access and launch on Xbox One earlier in July, Numantian Games’ They Are Billions finally launches digitally today (July 9th) on PS4.

Developed by Numantian Games, the port comes courtesy of Blitworks, who have previous experience with porting the likes of Spelunky and Super Meat Boy, which are two of the best indie games ever made.

In They Are Billions, players must juggle rebuilding a small part of civilisation while also preparing defenses against the hordes of zombies that have overwhelmed the world. The zombies start off slow with a trickle pounding at your gates before becoming the eponymous billions the deeper into the survival mode you descend. It’s hard as balls.

Unfortunately, there is no campaign for PS4 — at least just yet. Players can indulge in the aforementioned survival mode, which tasks you with making it to a set amount of days based on the difficulty you select. Weekly challenges also task players with seeing who can perform the best against daunting odds with leaderboards to stake a claim on.

As an RTS, They Are Billions is slightly fiddly with a controller, but mouse and keyboard is also supported. It’s also extremely challening: one rogue zombie making its way into your colony can have a disastrous knock-on effect as the infection spreads within seconds. Trust me, I learnt that the hard way.

They are Billions is priced at £19.99/$24.99. Here are some beginner’s tips if you do decide to pick it up.

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