The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe Delayed Until 2020

Honestly forgot this was happening.

Stanley Parable

It’s been announced by Crows Crows Crows that The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe, a re-release/remaster of the incredibly popular first person narrative experience, will be delayed until 2020. The news was announced via a rather humourous YouTube video, where the iconic Narrator decides to read a selection of fan mail. You can check out the video below.

The Ultra Deluxe version of The Stanley Parable, which was announced during the 2018 Game Awards, is an expansive update to the original game that includes new choices, endings and content on top of the original release. Ultra Deluxe will also be making its way to consoles for the first time, which is fantastic. Given that the normal version of The Stanley Parable was famed for its amount of choices and hidden secrets, the possibility of more choices is certainly tantalising.

While the lack of a 2019 release is certainly disappointing, we can imagine that the extra couple of months will be worth the wait for The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe, and we’re glad that Crows Crows Crows and Galactic Cafe aren’t crunching the development team to rush the game out before the end of the year.

Are you excited to visit, or revisit the world of The Stanley Parable? Sound off in the comments below.

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