The Falconeer Coming To PS4, PS5 & Switch This August

Swooping in.

The Falconeer

It was leaked earlier this month, but The Falconeer: Warrior Edition will be launching on PS4, PS5 and the Nintendo Switch on August 5th, ending its status as an Xbox One and Xbox Series X | S console exclusive. You can check out the trailer at the top of the page.


What Is The Falconeer?

The Falconeer is an open-world aerial combat game that sees players explore and fight in the world of The Great Ursee. With many different factions across the world, you’ll complete various missions, upgrade your chosen mount and just generally become the most majestic creature in the skies.


What’s New With The Warrior Edition?

The Falconeer: Warrior Edition includes all the updates and DLC that have originally been released for the Xbox version of the game, including The Kraken, The Hunter and Atun’s Folly, along with the re-recording of voiceover work and an overhauled tutorial.

The Warrior Edition will also feature a brand new DLC pack, Edge of the World, which will be launching on the same day for other platforms. According to the official press release, the expansion will include “additional side quests, map locations, a self-contained story, and a myriad new items to add even more depth to The Great Ursee.”


How Much Will It Cost?

Pre-orders are live now on the EU eShop and the PlayStation Store for The Falconeer: Warrior Edition, though there is also a retail release planned. The PlayStation (digital and retail) and Switch (digital) versions of the game will cost $29.99 / €29.99 / £24.99, while the retail Switch version will set you back $34.99 / €34.99 / £29.99. Purchasing either version of the PlayStation version will also allow you to play across generations, which is nice.

READ MORE: The Falconeer (Xbox One) REVIEW

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