The Dark Pictures: House of Ashes Is the Third Dark Pictures Game

Looks like we will be taking down demons in Iraq.

The Dark Pictures House of Ashes

Just as was the case for completing Man of Medan, players are granted a glimpse at the next The Dark Pictures game for rolling the credits on Little Hope. Once you’ve discovered all of the sleepy town’s secrets, it’s time to look forward to the third game: The Dark Pictures: House of Ashes.

Check out the trailer for it above, and everything you need to know about The Dark Pictures: House of Ashes down below.


The Dark Pictures: House of Ashes Synopsis

While there’s no official synopsis for The Dark Pictures: House of Ashes just yet, we can gleam quite a lot from the trailer.

First off, it looks like we will be taking control of an army squadron this time out with the main focus on a female soldier, who you can also get a glimpse at spelunking via a premonition in Little Hope. There are two other soldiers showcased in the trailer, but it’s not clear if they will be playable.

A disembodied voice in the trailer discusses Sumerian myth, meaning that House of Ashes will most likely take place in modern Iraq, which would make sense considering the soldiers appear to be United States Army soldiers.

That same character mentions the titular House of Ashes, which is where the souls of the dead would go in Sumerian myth to be plagued by the demons of the underworld.

At the end of the trailer, it appears the main character is being stalked by a creature, which might well be gallûs, the demons of the ancient Mesopotamian Underworld.

So, to summarise: The Dark Pictures: House of Ashes looks like it might take you to Iraq to fight Sumerian demons as the US Army. Fun!


The Dark Pictures: House of Ashes Release Date

The Dark Pictures: House of Ashes will launch in 2021, according to the trailer. No specific dates were mentioned, though you would expect it to be October 2021 based on the other games in the series so far.


The Dark Pictures: House of Ashes Platforms

No platforms were specified in the trailer for House of Ashes, though it’s a good bet to expect it to launch for PC, PS4 and Xbox One at the very least to continue the consistency. Man of Medan and Little Hope are both available on PS5 and Xbox Series X | S backwards compatibility, though you would expect them to both be fully supported when House of Ashes launches next year.

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