How Long Is The Big Con?

The Long Con.

The Big Con
The Big Con

If you’re looking to travel across 90s America and commit crimes in the name of saving your mother’s video store, The Big Con is probably the game for you. As Ali, a teenage girl looking to help out her mum, you’ll travel to different locations influenced by the iconic style of the 90s, stealing, swindling and hoodwinking your way to raising the money you need to achieve your goal.

It’s an ambitious goal, so it’s good to know ahead of time how long it might take to achieve such a lofty aspiration. Luckily, we’re on hand to tell you just how long it’ll take to complete The Big Con on average.


The Big Con Story Length

The Big Con isn’t a long game, so you can expect your first playthrough to conclude in about 3 hours, which could easily be accomplished in one sitting if you wish. During that playthrough, you should be able to complete most of the achievements and see the majority of what the game has to offer, but there are still more achievements to complete.


The Big Con Completionist Length

There doesn’t appear to be any kind of chapter select to go back and pick up collectibles or quests you may have missed, so unless you’re playing with a guide from the get-go, you’ll probably need at least two playthroughs in order to see everything in one go. You can easily complete the first few levels in a matter of minutes though, especially if you’re mashing A to skip dialogue, meaning a full completion could be achieved within about 5 to 6 hours.

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