Spinning is a fantastic stationary bike workout which can burn up to 600 calories in 45mins, but yes I’ll admit it, the first time you go can be pretty daunting. This article will give you some tips on what to expect and how to enjoy your first session, but first I’ll tell you some of the benefits of spinning. Spinning is relatively low impact and yet it burns a lot of calories, it does not put pressure on your joints as you’re sat down. It can help to tone and strengthen your core, abs, legs and bum while also giving you an intense cardiovascular work out – improving your cardiovascular endurance and aiding your overall fitness.
So whether you’re an attuned fitness fanatic wanting to try a new class or someone just wanting to try something different to de-stress, I’d definitely recommend trying spinning. You’ll either love it or hate it, and if you love it, it’s almost guaranteed to find its way into your weekly routine. In any case, TRY IT, TRY IT, TRY IT.
1. Fuel up well before the workout
Spinning is intense, and it is a rapid calorie burner, for this reason you need to fuel up well before going to a spinning session. I’d always suggest eating something small about an hour before the session. And trust me, you’ll need to eat afterwards I always have a banana handy for the walk home.
2. Ask the trainer to help you
Spinning bikes can be tricky to set up if you’ve never done it before, so ask the spin instructor to help you with correct seat/handlebar positioning for you.
3. Choose your outfit wisely
You can pretty much wear whatever sportswear you want, but obviously be aware of loose fitting bottoms as they may get caught in the pedals. Also be aware that you’re going to sweat a lot! Wear something you’re comfortable in, cropped leggings are the best, but shorts etc. work just as well. Also ladies, wear a sports bra. Things can get, well, bouncy up top when you’re pedaling like mad! You don’t need clip in shoes since pretty much all spin bikes have clips on one side and pedals which hold your trainers, on on the other. So don’t worry if you don’t have pro-biking attire.
4. Take a towel
Take a small sports towel or equivalent and have it over the handlebars, no work out which burns as much calories as spinning does will leave you sweat free.
5. Don’t cheat
Spin instructors will talk about resistance throughout the class, you’ll be turning a lever which adds resistance to your pedaling and they’ll tell you to turn it up or down according to the demands of the session. Don’t cheat and have it on low all the time, go at your own pace but remember the session is designed to be effective interval training and having it on a low resistance won’t burn as much as its supposed too – it is meant to be hard!
6. Focus on yourself
Get a bike in the second row, don’t go all the way to the back. Don’t pre-occupy yourself with what others around you are doing, just focus on yourself, it doesn’t matter that the woman next to you still looks like a Victoria’s Secret model and you’re convinced you physically can’t have any sweat left in your body. Fitness is about competing with yourself and being proud of your own achievements, building fitness takes time and even attending the class in the first place is something to be proud of.
7. Go back
It’s very normal to experience some pain/soreness after your first time. After a few sessions your body will adapt and it will become slightly easier. Make sure you drink before and after to avoid de-hydration. Most of all, enjoy the feeling you’ll get after your spin class, exercise releases positive endorphins – savor it!
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